anything's possible

look closely
in her face
you see a man,
you say

i can see anyone
but rarely do i assume
it is crazy
what a mind will do
can you
go back, erase him
see her
you didn't choose
but sometimes
truth is a choice
we come upon
like time
over centuries
rocks erode and souls soften

after death is the loss
to our conscious selves
we forgive and then
we forget
a little more, gives
he said, love yourself first
before it hurts a little less

and after all the longing
then we can be


i walk into my bedroom
crawl and climb
rise above
the things i wish not to step on
run across
i love you i thought
i think, i still do
but not the same
this town is not the same
and i am not that girl
she gets you now
i smile and suck dry
wrap my arms around him
when i say goodbye
and return me home
so safe in his words
i think i just died
rest easy here old friend
i'll always be me.


it's like, all i want to do
is cry
curl up into
myself, a ball
and say
i hate my life


It's like
every time I leave
is like
leaving a little piece of
me behind
the streets are so much
The pace is much more
Until you feel the things
you no longer fear
The things I pray at
night for
to bring me back to a
giant lake's shore
Where I am beyond
much stronger
and yet so much more
much less invisible