for this child to live within us

leaving town you say
without packing up
i rush to the rescue
and verbal punishes
up on your ruin
sea creature
the beauty invades
her, journey inside
the depths of wells
heap forward, tread
the shallow waters
injustice is
a boys life is gone
in he climbs and falls
in, to examine his death
i rise from the bottom
from the pit of a chest
beating heavy though blind, slight
flashes before him
self-corrected visions
doomed in proclamation
for the faith that took
for me, he chose a direction
that forever robbed from us
the reflection of his own face
we willed, to commemorate him
ourselves, evaporated in thin air
all that divide us from each other
one, and an other, now come one,
come all together, one goes
tempted to meet this reflection
at the end of the tunnel,
darkness, as we found no trace
no sign of life, no beat, nor heart
survivors, our breath stolen
this child kissed life, one last time
first element then mineral now nothing
but the deceased we carry memory of him
though his body is gone.

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